Event  co- Sponsor $3,000 (only two will be sold)
Includes One foursome, Event sponsor recognition, Logo and recognition on all event communication, Facebook etc., Sponsor Banner prominent display at Bag drop and cart staging area, Recognition at Lunch and Dinner (slide show)


Lunch and or Dinner sponsor $1,500 

Recognition sign at Buffet, Recognition via slide show (during lunch and Dinner), Logo and recognition on all event communication, Facebook etc.


Cart Sponsor $1,000
Logo and recognition in each cart


Practice Range Sponsor $1,000
Signage on Practice Range

Putting Green Sponsor $500
Signage on Practice Green


Patio Banner Display $500 (per)

Banner displayed on clubhouse patio during the tournament 



Par 3 closest to the pin challenge Sponsors $500 (one for each par 3)
Banner displayed Greenside, Recognition via slide show (during lunch and Dinner), Logo and recognition on all event communication, Facebook etc.


Hole sponsor $150(per)
Sponsor sign on Tee

Sponsorship Opportunities 

To signup for any of these sponsorships, please visit the home page and click on the registration button for Links for Leukemia on the left side of the page.